ZIOSH Membership

We have memberships for StudentsAffiliateAssociateTechnicalGraduateCorporate

In pursuit of our key objectives the Institute will have the following seven (7) categories of membership of which student and affiliate are entry points to professional membership


Applicants should be following a recognized course of study in preparation for qualifications in safety, health or risk management or in full time education but considering a career in Safety, Health and Risk Management or any other qualification that ZIOSH deems meet the criteria


Affiliate Members shall comprise those persons, not qualified to be admitted to the grade of members below but who wish to follow a career in occupational safety and health, and persons not directly employed in the professional practice of occupational safety and health but having an interest in the field by virtue of their work as suppliers of related goods and services, or as operating officials in an organization having occupational safety and health interests. The members in this category can use the designatory letters AfZIOSH.


Membership in this grade is granted to those who,

  • Hold a certificate in occupational safety and health, Higher Education Examination Council (HEXCO) trade tests or equivalent or a cognate discipline from a recognized institution which meets the Institute’s technical criteria as set out in rules and regulations and have less than 2 years exposure to occupational safety and health issues.
  • Hold an Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Course (OSHEMAC) certificate from National Social Security Authority or equivalent or certificate from a cognate discipline from an institution which meets the Institute technical criteria.
  •  Graduates of other science related disciplines who are pursuing an on-the-job development programme or have been working in the safety and health department for at least 2 years.
  • Individuals with more than 5 years experience but less than 10 years in a safety and health role and continue to demonstrate that they are maintaining their competence through continuous professional development programmes,

The Associate member shall be entitled to use the designatory (AsZIOSH)


Membership in this grade is granted to those persons who:

  • Hold a diploma in occupational safety and health, occupational health, environmental sciences, natural sciences, engineering, or apprenticeship or a cognate discipline from a recognized institution which meets the Institute’s technical criteria as set out in rules and regulations and has at least 2-3 years experience in a safety and health role.
  • Graduates of other science related disciplines who have pursued an on the job development for at least three years in the safety department.

Members are entitled to use the designated (TechZIOSH).


Membership in this grade is granted to those persons who:

  • Hold a first or higher degree in occupational safety and health, occupational health, environmental sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine or a cognate discipline from a recognized institution which meets the Institute’s technical criteria as set out in rules and regulations and has at least 3 years experience in a safety and health role.
  • Hold a diploma in occupational safety and health, occupational health, environmental sciences, natural sciences, engineering, or apprenticeship or a cognate discipline from a recognized institution which meets the Institute’s technical criteria as set out in rules and regulations and has at least 5 years experience in a safety and health role.
  • Are appointed or designated safety and health officers or safety, health and environmental and quality (SHEQ) officers or equivalent, have pursued a recognized career in occupational safety and health for a continuous period of 10 years and interviewed by the Executive Committee and noted to have acquired the relevant skills and knowledge in the practice of safety and health.

Members in this category are entitled to use the designated (GradZIOSH).


Fellows shall comprise those persons who have been Members of the Institute for not less than 5 years and who are elected by the Executive Committee to the grade of Fellow in recognition of their conspicuous status in the field of occupational safety and health and have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to the field or to the Institute, and who continue to demonstrate that they are maintaining their competence through continuous professional development programmes. In electing any Member to the grade of Fellow, the Executive Committee may act on the proposals and recommendations of members or any other persons. This category of membership is the most prestigious and will have the designation of (FZIOSH).

Corporate Members

Corporate membership shall be available to companies and other organizations having an interest in participating in or supporting the activities and objects of the Institute. Corporate members may nominate a representative who shall act on behalf of that organization.

Contact Us

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